Friday, June 12, 2009

Fiddling while Rome burns

Blueberry board more pressing than state budget? | | The Desert Sun: "As California faces what one official this week called a complete meltdown of state government, some lawmakers have their minds on other matters.

Like creating a blueberry commission. Or standing up for pomegranate juice. And, instead of health reform in the nation's most populous state, ensuring that the name tags of medical workers are in 18-point font.

Those are among the hundreds of bills being debated in the California Legislature as the state faces a $24.3 billion deficit and the prospect of running out of cash by late July...

[other bills would:]

Ensure that juice sold as “pomegranate” is 100 percent pomegranate.

Instruct ninth- and 10th-graders about the value of organ donation.

Ban toy cigarette lighters.

Require day cares to serve only healthy food to children."

As Annie Hall would say, "La de dah, la de dah!"
Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link.

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