Sunday, June 14, 2009

U.S. malls' ills give independent stores an opening | Industry Summits | Reuters

U.S. malls' ills give independent stores an opening | Industry Summits | Reuters: "NEW YORK (Reuters) - The wave of bankruptcies that has eliminated dozens of U.S. retail chains could force landlords to rethink their traditional aversion to having small, independent retailers as tenants, a retail real estate expert said on Thursday."
Oh, so NOW you want the little people?

1 comment:

  1. To me, as a retail consultant who works with a number of independents, the question isn't whether malls really want independents, it's whether independents really want malls. For independents, it might be tempting, but the most successful are tightly focused niche players who have succeeded in creating a memorable customer experience, often in distinctive settings. How that might work in cookie-cutter space tailored to a broad market, and not always very convenient to get in and out of, is pretty questionable to me. More likely, we will see this space eventually filled by new, smaller concepts developed by existing big box and mall retailers
