Monday, June 15, 2009

Dan Walker: Why is Illinois so corrupt? - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register

In My View: Why is Illinois so corrupt? - Springfield, IL - The State Journal-Register: "The adjourned session of the General Assembly failed abysmally to come to grips with Illinois’ pervasive state of corruption. Leading the failure were two Chicagoans — Mike Madigan, speaker of the House and John Cullerton, president of the Senate. The Chicago bloc fell in line behind them, demonstrating once again the baleful grip that Chicago’s Democratic machine, now 85 years old, has on this state.

It’s time to state the obvious. The primary cause of endemic corruption in Illinois is the Chicago political machine."

A great history lesson from Dan Walker, who was Illinois' governor from 1973 to 1977. He did 18 months in federal prison for savings and loan fraud, but that was long after he left office.

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