Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Too much money spent on health care for elderly? Blog : Greg Hengler : Health Policy Professor Discusses The 'Cost-Benefit' Of Elderly Receiving Federal Healthcare: "What are the costs and benefits to giving federal money to an elderly person who needs an expensive procedure and has a shorter life span than someone who needs the same procedure in their 20s?"
Conservatives are pointing out that when (not if) the Democrats create national health care, it will involve rationing, with the federal government deciding who gets what and when. And what better to cut back on than expensive procedures performed on the elderly? Such expenditures are not cost-effective when you think about how little time they have left anyway, some say. And this link goes to a C-SPAN tape of a Senate Finance Committee meeting where that very issue is discussed.

We are entering some interesting times, aren't we?

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