Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Global Warming Alert: Snow in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Gazette - ICE IS NICE IN BAHA: "In one of the rare occasions, Saudis enjoy the snowfall in Al-Baha city south-west of Riyadh, Tuesday."
Snowing in Saudi in May? Must mean that Al Gore is giving a talk in Riyadh.


  1. A publicity stunt if ever I saw one. I checked out the history feature in Weather Underground for Al-Baha and 64 degrees is the LOWEST temperature at any point in the last five days. The station is at 5,400 feet above sea level.

    Probably Zamboni'd some ice off the local rink and got some gullible MSM idiot to believe it. An easy thing to do, frankly.

  2. Then perhaps this was not snow, but hail. We had a hailstorm here a couple of weeks ago in relatively warm weather.

    A hoax is always possible. There was quite a media frenzy over that frozen Bigfoot last year--and he turned out to be a Halloween costume.

    But maybe the Al Gore Effect is responsible.
