Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tijuana crime boosts demand for private security

Tijuana crime boosts demand for private security
"For the past two years, violent crime has spiked in Tijuana and other Mexican border cities, partly the result of a federal crackdown on drug cartels, prompting many who live in Tijuana or travel there from San Diego for business to hire private security.

These services have been in demand in the past but more so now, according to security firms in both cities. The number of businesses offering private security is also increasing."

When the drug gangs are leaving baskets of heads on the police station steps, demand for private security increases. I think that is as solid a cause and effect relationship as you can find.

1 comment:

  1. When is Operation Southwest Desert Storm going to begin? After all, wasn't an overall goal of operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom to introduce democracy and reduce this kind of tribalism?
