Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Economic survivalists take root -

Economic survivalists take root - "When the economy started to squeeze the Wojtowicz family, they gave up vacation cruises, restaurant meals, new clothes and high-tech toys to become 21st-century homesteaders.

Now Patrick Wojtowicz, 36, his wife Melissa, 37, and daughter Gabrielle, 15, raise pigs and chickens for food on 40 acres near Alma, Mich. They're planning a garden and installing a wood furnace. They disconnected the satellite TV and radio, ditched their dishwasher and a big truck and started buying clothes at resale shops."

I see how this can work for some people. Whenever I look out the kitchen window and see a few deer nibbling the grass 25 yards away, I am tempted to do a little backyard survivalism with my bow. But, as Nixon said, it would be wrong...


  1. What I don't get is how you get from vacations cruises to Little House on the Prarie in one giant leap.

    Evan, take the shot, the bow is quiet and the neighbors will probably never notice.

  2. I might do that--I may need the practice if the state goes bankrupt and we all revert to hunting and gathering.
