Sunday, March 29, 2009

Unpaid association fees pit neighbor against neighbor | | Detroit Free Press

Unpaid association fees pit neighbor against neighbor | | Detroit Free Press: "The wear marks of Michigan's poor economy are appearing in some of metro Detroit's tidiest neighborhoods, where annual condo and homeowner association fees have traditionally kept things looking good.

Faced with job losses and potential foreclosures, many owners have decided to skip these fees, forcing the associations to go to such measures as placing liens on properties, levying special assessments and suing property owners. Some have even considered garnisheeing owners' wages."

A person would have to be blind not to see where this situation might be heading. And yet I don't think anybody regards it as a public policy issue. If this situation escalates across the nation, as I think it may, the repercussions will be substantial.


  1. Smart people see the public policy issue, and especially those who understand the severe negative impact on health (traumas) the abusive groups and other's have forced upon unsuspecting homeowners. Let's face it when you "take," the power to target, threaten lives, terrorize, harass, lie, file fraudulent charges (fees, assessments), destroy lives, reputations and careers, and; yet, be rewarded (steal the home) for such illegal, criminal behavior, how much more destructive to health can we get?
    Our vulnerable populations appear to be the first targeted and the groups who employ these tactics againt them, are no better than
    pedifiles, murderers, or pimps.
    The need for power, greed, and control, along with a warped entitlement factor many of these abusive board members display, is sick.
    A good comparison of personality traits and questionable character traits(lack of conscience) many of these "neighbors," and their "associates," may possess" might bebetter understood by reading, "The Sociopath Next Door," by Dr. Martha Stout.

  2. The public policy issue I am referring to here is the impending financial collapse of a whole lot of associations. Whenever that happens in an association the owners are the ones who get hurt.
