Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nagin may lose Dallas home for failure to pay homeowner fees - Breaking News from New Orleans - Times-Picayune -

Nagin may lose Dallas home for failure to pay homeowner fees - Breaking News from New Orleans - Times-Picayune - "Mayor Ray Nagin and his wife have 10 days to pay outstanding homeowners' association fees on their suburban Dallas townhouse before it is sold in a public auction from the steps of the local county courthouse, a Texas TV station reported Saturday.

Public records unearthed by CBS-affiliate KTVT-TV show that the Bella Casa Owners Association filed a lien Jan. 28 against the property owned by the mayor and his wife, Seletha Smith-Nagin. The documents, posted at the station's Web site, claim the Nagins have 'continued to default' on fees owed to the association in the city of Frisco, which now total $1,507.14.

The notice of sale, filed March 17, states that if the fees are not paid, the property will be auctioned off between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on April 7."

Shu Bartholomew sent this along. Check it out. The mayor of New Orleans, who waxed so eloquently about the failures of the federal government to evacuate people in Hurricane Katrina (but forgot he had a fleet of buses at his disposal, seems to have forgotten or otherwise neglected to pay his HOA assessments. His Dallas townhouse is about to be sold on the courthouse steps.

I say it is all Bush's fault.

1 comment:

  1. While they certainly may collect fees, who wants to live in an HOA community?

