Friday, March 20, 2009

Thumbprint will be required for home sellers :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business

Thumbprint will be required for home sellers :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business: "You'll soon need more than your John Hancock to sell your house in Cook County. Homeowners will have to submit their right thumbprint to a notary public to sell their house under a state law that starts June 1.

The law is intended to deter housing fraud, which often involves forging a property owner's signature on a deed and selling the property illegally. Sellers also must provide valid photo identification. The thumbprints will not be public records."

So this is a done deal. When I posted on this it was criticized, but it seems positive proof of ID will be necessary to sell a house in Cook County.


  1. I wonder how long before the fingerprint dbase will be used to solve crimes?
