Friday, March 20, 2009 - Katten and Jenner & Block Lay Off Lawyers, Staff - Katten and Jenner & Block Lay Off Lawyers, Staff: "Katten Muchin Rosenman and Jenner & Block, two law firms with the bulk of their lawyers in Chicago, have collectively cut an additional 23 lawyers and 80 staff members, the firms said. Katten, which now has about 625 lawyers, dismissed 23 attorneys, including 12 associates and seven non-equity partners, six paralegals and 40 administrative staff members as part of a broader effort to reduce costs. The cost-cutting program will also cut base salaries by 20 percent for associates who last year failed to bill within 200 hours of their 2008 target. Jenner & Block, a firm with 461 attorneys, said it's eliminating 34 support staff positions in its Chicago and Washington offices to reduce costs after benefitting from technological improvements.

Both firms dismissed attorneys late last year in response to the slowdown in business caused by the economic recession. Katten cut 21 associates and counsel in October while Jenner edged 10 partners out the door that same month."

Times must be getting tough if big firms like these are laying off lawyers.

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