Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finally, Jonathan can enjoy a mundane meeting

Finally, Jonathan can enjoy a mundane meeting: largest HOA in MN: "'We're better now,' said Nate Bostrom, the new president of the group, which last year was looking at a civil war brought on by board members wanting to dissolve the association. The board then was run by a group that was seen as trying to disrupt or break the association, the largest in the state with dozens of neighborhoods and about 2,900 households. The dissident group two years ago mounted a legal challenge in which the association, in effect, tried to sue itself because it was believed that some of the newest neighborhoods were added to the association improperly. In a counter-coup during last year's annual meeting, six of the nine board members were removed and replaced by members who pledged to keep the association together and stop the proposed lawsuit."
Sounds like the Borgias would have loved that place last year.

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