Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Council uses spy plane with thermal imaging camera to snoop on homes wasting energy | Mail Online

Council uses spy plane with thermal imaging camera to snoop on homes wasting energy | Mail Online: "Our movements are already tracked by CCTV, speed cameras and even spies in dustbins.

Now snooping on the public has reached new heights with local authorities putting spy planes in the air to snoop on homeowners who are wasting too much energy. Thermal imaging cameras are being used to create colour-coded maps which will enable council officers to identify offenders and pay them a visit to educate them about the harm to the environment and measures they can take."

This is Great Britain. They seem to have lost any hold they ever had over government. The bureaucrats just intrude wherever they see fit.


  1. The local district council government in question is Conservative-controlled, too. How much longer it will exist is another question. The central government appears to have amalgamation in mind for Norfolk's local governments.

  2. How much energy is wasted maintaining a spy plane force? By the way, here is a wonderful statement from Daniel Hannan before the European Parliament about their "devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government" and its wasteful government programs:

    a very powerful and well-made statement.
