Sunday, January 25, 2009

Google plans to make PCs history | Technology | The Observer: "Google is to launch a service that would enable users to access their personal computer from any internet connection, according to industry reports. But campaigners warn that it would give the online behemoth unprecedented control over individuals' personal data."
We seem to be headed away from private information storage on our own computers, and toward one vast repository of all our data in the hands of Lord Google the Benevolent. We will then fire up our cell phones and connect to the mother lode. This would not work for people who have data they want to keep private, but I'm sure there will always be hard disk drives in the second hand stores, alongside the typewriters and buggy whips.

I'm not sure I'm ready to trust Google quite this much, although I do store things there as a backup.


  1. This post was pretty scary until I looked down and realized that there was a USB cable extending from where my former umbi cord once held all my personal information.

    Perhaps, I and/or many other have googled ourselves one too many times. Thank you for this timely news. It appears it is time to pull the plug in more ways than one.

    For me, I will not be one of those families who buy into the switch over to letting Big Brother help me connect to the outside world any time soon. Digital TV is far enough for now for many Americans who do not trust the computer world or the generation that founded and/or promoted it to the point where we all have to worry about our own information.

    Obviously, the good ole days really were the good ole days in many respects. Here is to all of the old folks who will never fall prey to the computer problems that we boomers may now face.
