Monday, January 26, 2009

14-year-old boy impersonates cop, police say -- "Chicago police arrested a 14-year-old boy for allegedly impersonating one of their own Saturday.

The boy, who has been charged as a juvenile for impersonating an officer, walked into the Grand Crossing District station, 7040 S. Cottage Grove Ave., dressed in a Chicago police uniform, police spokeswoman Monique Bond said. The boy, who reported for duty about 1:30 p.m., partnered with another police officer for about five hours.

The boy identified himself as an officer from another district but was detailed for the day to Grand Crossing and also was savvy enough to sign out a police radio and a ticket book, according to a source. The source also said the boy went on traffic stops with the officer he went on the street with."

That's great. The Chicago Police Department sent a 14 year old boy out on patrol with another officer and didn't become suspicious until "after his tour was over."

They say he "did not write tickets," and that's probably why they didn't pick up on the scam. Real Chicago cops don't write tickets, either.

1 comment:

  1. Professor --

    Your sense of humor is delightful... The kid on your blog photo looks to be about 5 or 6 years old.

    Thanks for the giggle. Please post the real photo if and when you can? Some kids are 6 foot tall with a pretty good beard at that age.

    Fooling their own brethren? Hmm, we feel much safer since your post. Thank you once again for your consumer advocacy -- even when it is a hoot!

    Take good care and keep on bloggin' those non CID stories please... We ALL need at one giggle each day?

