Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Riley asks for help on city's sewer debt | | Montgomery Advertiser

Alabama Governor Riley asks for help on city's sewer debt | | Montgomery Advertiser: "The governor's meeting with legislators came after only two of the five members of the Jeffer­son County Commission voted Monday in favor of a bankrupt­cy filing. Others hope that a deal can be reached, but commis­sioners did vote to ask the coun­ty attorney to look into the pos­sibility of bankruptcy. One plan would use excess education sales tax money to pay part of the sewer debt, a move that would have to be ap­proved by the Legislature. Riley also has asked the in­terim head of the Treasury De­partment's $700 billion bailout to help Alabama's most popu­lous county avoid filing the larg­est municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history."
Mr. Cash and Carry is going to have a long line outside his door. Jefferson County has a $3 billion sewer bill it can't pay.

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