Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Homeowner associations want state protections from legislators -- South Florida

Homeowners want state protections from legislators -- South Florida "Homeowners responding to two recent surveys said they want a state agency to oversee their associations, training requirements for board directors and an ombudsman's office to act as a neutral resource and liaison for unit owners and board members. Condo associations have these protections in place, but HOAs have never had them in Florida.

Part of the reason is that historically the perception has been there are fewer HOAs, said state Rep. Julio Robaina, R-Miami, who championed condo reform over the past few years. As of June, there were 1,441,284 condo units in Florida governed by a total of 21,737 associations, but no state agency contacted could provide the number of HOAs."

From Fred Pilot comes this piece signaling the start of a campaign to regulate HOAs in Florida in much the same way that condo associations are regulated.


  1. FL regulated condos are in a lot of trouble! Millions and millions of dollars worth, much of it lost to scams! How could we expect any less for FL regulated HOAs?

  2. Florida already has an HOA law, Chapter 720, but some sections were obviously written by the HOA law firms, not the people. Example: FL requires 30% maximum (not minimum!) attendance at an annual mtg to have a quorum. This is equivalent to the number of disinterested, uninformed members who sign any proxy form put in front of them, giving the board carte blanche. You end up with a clique controlling the association...I see a regulator as becoming captive to the HOA law firm lobbyists resulting in more obscure regulations.
