Tuesday, October 07, 2008

New Details Emerge in Las Vegas HOA Corruption Probe | HOA Nut House

New Details Emerge in Las Vegas HOA Corruption Probe | HOA Nut House: "So how was it done? For one thing, at Park Avenue, more than half the owners live elsewhere. The condos are investments, so they take little interest in board meetings. The most recent election had twice as many ballots cast as ever before, and most were mailed from one place. 'Funny part is, in California, all the different cities, they were all mailed form Long Beach at the same time on the same date,' said Dennis Noto.'They looked like real ballots that came in. Someone duplicated ballots, duplicated envelopes and then mailed them en masse. Even in Las Vegas, they were mailed all the same day from the same place,' said Lahargoue."
I am interested to see whether this sort of thing is ultimately found to be criminal or just civil. If the former, homeowners' rights advocates have an opportunity big enough to drive a truck through. If the latter, we are back to the "6 years in court" drawing board.

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