Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Frank says GOP housing attacks racially motivated

Frank says GOP housing attacks racially motivated: "BOSTON (AP) - Rep. Barney Frank said Monday that Republican criticism of Democrats over the nation's housing crisis is a veiled attack on the poor that's racially motivated. The Massachusetts Democrat, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said the GOP is appealing to its base by blaming the country's mortgage foreclosure problem on efforts to expand affordable housing through the Community Reinvestment Act. He said that blame is misplaced, because those loans are issued by regulated institutions, while far more foreclosures were triggered by high-cost loans made by unregulated entities."
Frank is probably right on the issue of regulated CRA loans (a point made by a knowledgeable commenter on this blog yesterday). But this claim that criticism of housing programs is racially motivated is exactly the same thing Democrats said to silence Republican criticism of Fannie Mae (to the enormous detriment of the nation); it is the same thing the Obama campaign says whenever The One is criticized; and I hope the rest of the nation is as sick of hearing it as I am.

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