Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ROLLY: Homeowner finds he's not free to post a gripe - Salt Lake Tribune

ROLLY: Homeowner finds he's not free to post a gripe - Salt Lake Tribune: "After James Royle bought a house from Ivory Homes in the Valley Fields Subdivision, he says he was frustrated when trying to get the builder to correct some problems.
So he put a sign in his window that said, 'I would not buy an Ivory Home again,' and learned firsthand that freedom of expression has its limits.
Royle got a letter from Benson Hathaway, an attorney representing Ivory Homes, ordering him to 'cease and desist' displaying the sign.
Such a display, Hathaway wrote, violates Section 17 (i) of the subdivision's 'Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions [CC&Rs],' which forbids displaying signs, billboards or ads, except to sell or rent the house."

Well, I think he has publicized his gripe more effectively because of the "cease and desist" letter from the developer's lawyer than he would have if they had just let him display the sign. Nothing like getting the local press involved when you go into conflict with an HOA.

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