Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chicago Business News, Analysis & Articles | Got an opinion? Park District has rules | Crain's

Chicago Business News, Analysis & Articles | Got an opinion? Park District has rules | Crain's: "Crain’s) — So, your little community group wants to put its two cents in at the local park? You and each of your buddies will have to submit to a criminal background check — and fill out a detailed application that includes work and evening phone numbers for three non-family personal references. Any money you raise for that new swing set must be approved in advance by the Chicago Park District, which retains the right to spend the money on something besides swings. And forget about publicity. All interviews with TV, newspaper or radio reporters are strictly prohibited."
These are proposed Chicago Park District rules for citizen advisory councils at city parks. Proves once again that cities can be just as oppressive as HOAs when they put their mind to it. But this is Chicago, where there is a corrupt one-party system, complete with a Mayor-for-life, that controls all aspects of local government and does whatever it wants (at least until the US Attorney starts sending grand jury subpoenas around).

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