Sunday, February 18, 2007

Speculation about a possible explanation for the disappearance of AHRC?
I do not know if any of the following explains why the American Homeowners Resource Center has been down, but for what it's worth, Fred Pilot sent me this link to the Edgewater Isle website that suggests there is a defamation suit against Elizabeth and Arnold McMahon (the folks behind AHRC). The site also speculates that this lawsuit may be the reason the AHRC site is down. I don't know if that's what happened (see below). The Edgewater Isle page has links to (1) a cached AHRC article about Jeffrey Pratt; (2) a screen shot of that article; and (3) a page from the Orange County, CA, Superior Court web docket about the Pratt v. McMahon lawsuit.

I assume the McMahons and/or Mr. Pratt can confirm or deny it in pretty short order, and if there is any correction to be made I will do so.

UPDATE: I checked the Banner site for the OC Superior Court, Civil Division. The Plaintiff in case no. 06CC01968 is Jeffrey R. Pratt, who is representing himself. The Defendants are Elizabeth and Arnold McMahon, and they are represented by attorney Philip A. Putman. The case was filed on 1/6/06. There was a hearing on a SLAPP motion on 1/17/07. That must have been brought by the McMahons--SLAPP means "strategic lawsuit against public participation," and such motions are brought by defendants to dismiss cases that are allegedly filed to silence their voices on public issues.

Then you see a notice of appeal (2/8/07) filed by Elizabeth McMahon and a request to prepare a transcript (2/14/07). That seems to indicate that the lawsuit is over or that some major issue has been decided, and the McMahons lost and either are appealing a final judgment or taking an interlocutory appeal on a major issue (the SLAPP motion, for example). Without more detail I can't be certain, but going just off the docket, that's what it looks like. Again, the McMahons or Mr. Pratt can correct me on this if I'm wrong.

Now, what was the judgment from which they are appealing? And does that judgment have anything to do with the disappearance of AHRC? It might take a trip to the courthouse in Orange County to sort that out, and being here in Chicago I guess I'll leave that to somebody else.

You can get this info and more on the attorney who I think must be the correct Mr. Pratt at He appears to be a solo practitioner who does HOA law, among other things.

Jeffrey R. Pratt, Attorney at Law
3636 Nobel Drive, Suite 200
San Diego, California 92122

Jeffrey R. Pratt, Attorney at Law practices in the following areas of law:
Civil Litigation and Trial Practice, Real Estate and Real Property, Business Litigation, Construction, Homeowner Association Disputes.
Firm Profile:
Experienced litigator and solo practitioner, dedicated to providing effective legal solutions and personalized service.
Firm Size: 1

Again, I invite comment or correction--I'm just trying to advance the story with what I know.

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