Sunday, February 18, 2007

Here's the appellate court link for Pratt v. McMahon
Thanks to Fred Pilot for tracking this down. This Pratt v. McMahon is one of numerous appellate court matters involving the McMahons. I think there are three underlying lawsuits that have given rise to numerous appellate court case numbers. The ones that say "McMahon v. Superior Court" are probably writs. That would mean there was an adverse ruling short of final judgment, and the McMahons appealed from that ruling while the case was still pending in the trial court. So there aren't as many cases at it appears. Each writ would have its own case number, even if they all came from the same underlying lawsuit. Note that the law firm of Peters & Freedman has sued the McMahons as well, and that one is in the appellate courts. So two law firms (P & F and attorney Pratt) have sued them. The McMahons took a a writ up from some ruling in that case on May of 2006 that was denied. I think it was a SLAPP motion. The current appeal, having to do with denial of the SLAPP motion, was filed by the McMahons in November of 2006. The docket shows that the McMahons want more time to file briefs.

Case Summary
Trial Court Case: 06CC01968
Court of Appeal Case: G038236
Division: 3
Case Caption: Pratt v. McMahon et al.
Case Type: Civil
Filing Date: 02/08/2007
Oral Argument Date/Time:
Cross Referenced Cases
G013464 Palacio Del Mar Homeowner Assn v. Superior Court et al.
G028742 Palacio Del Mar Homeowners Assoc. v. McMahon et al.
G034741 McMahon et al. v. The Superior Court of California et al.
G034993 McMahon et al. v. Orange County Superior Court et al.
G035129 McMahon et al. v. Orange County Superior Court et al.
G035705 McMahon et al. v. Orange County Superior Court et al.
G035713 McMahon et al. v. The Superior Court of California et al.
G037017 McMahon et al. v. The Superior Court of California et al.
G037871 Peters & Freedman, LLP v. McMahon et al.

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