Sunday, May 22, 2005

My Way News: Scientists Say Sunshine May Prevent Cancer

So, Del Webb had it figured out after all. I guess Sun City is the place to be, according to the latest scientific findings.

Do you ever wish that these scientific pinheads would just quit trying to tell us what is good and bad for us and how we should live, and get busy curing colds or something? For thirty years dermatologists have been saying that we should cower in the basement covered with sunscreen like a freaking vampire. Now all of a sudden the sun is good for you. Wine is bad. Wine is good. Fat is bad, except if you're French, in which case foie gras is the key to longevity. Salt is bad, but now it's good. Drink lots of water, except if you drink too much you die while you're running a marathon, which is good and bad for you also. Moderation is good for you, except if you have too much of it. Then it's bad because you need to be extreme once in a while.

Got it?

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