Sunday, May 22, 2005

Living in a Retirement Village, Back Home With Mom and Dad - New York Times
How would you like to be a young person living in a retirement community? Nancy Levy sends this NYT article that gave me claustrophobia.

Many adult children moved back into the nest in the 1990's, after being hit by layoffs and the bursting of the dot-com bubble. But in a twist on the phenomenon of extended adolescence, some sons and daughters are now sampling the leisurely lifestyles of their aging parents. Driven by skyrocketing house prices, uncertain job prospects and extended stays in higher education, some young adults figure they can save money while enjoying golf lessons, fancy clubhouses and clay tennis courts...Only a sliver of young adults live in retirement communities. But with the growth of age-restricted developments, it is more likely that homeward-bound adult children will land in one of them. There were 1,274 such "active adult" communities in 2004, six times greater than the 204 in 1995, said Bill Parks, a consultant to homebuilders who works in Scottsdale, Ariz. Many have sprung up near Boston, Chicago and New York, making it easier for the offspring of baby boomers to come home again and still keep their big-city jobs.

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