Sunday, April 17, 2005

Yahoo! News - County Tells Condo Residents To Get Out
Subtle headline, don't you think?

Residents of a 543-unit Miami Beach condominium are being kicked out of their homes today. At 10 a.m. the city is cutting off power to the Castle Beach Club. Some residents didn't receive notification that they would have to leave until Thursday afternoon, when they saw bright orange stickers posted on the building, informing them that the structure was unsafe. Other residents got the word Thursday when Miami Beach police knocked on their doors, telling them the county's building department had condemned the Castle Beach Club due to an electrical problem, which created a problem for all units. Some residents are upset with the board of directors, claiming it has been using monthly association fees to renovate a portion of the building that is a hotel.


  1. I was think people lie too much how should i live on a condo and do not know what goes on include if the condo have a big problems hello woke up take advantage on catrastofic is worse .

  2. Between people live with rats and risk fire and payed on Castle the Beach ,and beans collums risk and unsave and risk many lifes,owner Leopoldo Gonzalez was on many times lasvish partyng with his Native Blond brazillian beauty queen she is a daugther of ex millionary politic on Brasil at Miami beach been seeyed many times when she arrives wit her white Mercedez benz get people it people take lifes wow!!!

  3. Wow how the miami beach city wait for so long to close this worse place many lives can get on lost include child, where is the money they payed for the associates take care the place what worse pig the ownwe is on lavish party with his queen Braziliam wow he have the besta taste on womans but worse to take his business and put extremelly risk others lives wow holly macarrone. crazy peple if they back to live on castle the Beach sue them for good if i am i will do it ,!!!!!

  4. The association suppost have an moraly obligation on this situation make an obligation and restrict and remove permanently the owners of the board at Castle the Beach resort. legally enforced them to pay the demages on every family They live on agony out homes wit this prejudice is the extructure of the complex builden is unsave is danger can't move back to that place, Where is the law? close definilly this place is danger eletrical. if the extructure is on danger hurricane seasons coming hello insurances look out another boommmmmm

  5. Wonderful,Judge take out The board of Castle Beach, Wow in time, we never been security with this man hipocrital Leopoldo Gonazales this man have no morallity he is addict on Acoholl and oyhers staffs very danger for our kids he has bring at Castle many mistress he is full of womans he is a foolish lier sexual abuser employes saw That now just ask who works here they know how he is crap thats why he has no time to take care our place we wish our place been cleaner and this people go away definilly and the judge find out where his money come from and cleanser our family Condo to be for only family not a Hotel to provide prostituition by owner like him I belived the lord God will be with as and we can get our home back and we can live with our childs on peace, I desired martially read this and investigate this man and his partners, God will make justice!!!

  6. Great we have someone say the truth here about this False Leopoldo gonzalez this people stolen our money make our life miserable and i agree to take banned this people from here and wish we can come back to our home include me and my child to live on better way is true we saw many times he bring womans at castle beach i belive our judge find out how dirty he is ,man like him do not deserved be with our family's and be on business.he LIE to every one here.i wish the judge take out his licence and do not allow danger person like him operated business on Real state is family's on there too he screw up include my family now we get courage and find place to put the truth governos suppost look at, banned him out of our Condo

  7. We wish the council of City Miami Beach Help our residentes of Castle Beach and formalized and pratice the laws On our properties been cach on many problems Leopoldo gonzalez and the board avoid they never take care he is very busy with his mistress never did any action to help as and let the problem grows we wish the state be looking for as and cleanser our condo for no to the prostitutes this man brig here many we have new Board and they need to know how this man is danger for our family and childs.

  8. Wow Above all people writer the Truth About this man and the bad faith he had no respect for any one .wow the Realtor associate have to take this Leopoldo Gonzalez out of doing bussiness with family's just read above and is discuss nesty wow he not jail yet. when the law will work for who has millions of dollars to pay the system and get out easily hello Justice. I dont see no one in jail we been screw up they mismanager our money stolen from as
    hello justice!!!
