Sunday, April 17, 2005 - News - Iowa Community Goes All-Organic
DES MOINES, Iowa -- It's official: Maharishi Vedic City has gone all natural. The town of about 200 in southeast Iowa has become what some experts believe is the first all-organic city in the country. The city council has voted to ban the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers within the city limits. City Attorney Maureen Wynne said residents in the city already use all-organic methods so the council's vote only formalized a practice that was already in place. Wynne said the ban covers everything from lawns and shrubs on both residential and commercial properties. The ban follows earlier action to grow and sell only organic foods within the city limits.
Maharishi Vedic City...just your typical Iowa small town. Nothing strange going on here. The city has its own web page at, where it lists all the Vedic functions of the city, including Vedic architecture, agriculture, economy, and "Vedic Defense: Founded to become a “lighthouse of peace” for America and the world. The City is working to establish a permanent group of peace-creating experts whose daily practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation™ and Yogic Flying techniques will promote coherent national and world consciousness and thereby prevent any negativity from arising in America or in the family of nations."

I bet the Pentagon wishes they had some of those Yogic Flying Techniques.

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