Monday, October 25, 2004

It's OK, see...It's an HOA matter!
Woman accused of stealing Bush signs says it's not political
an ABC Action News report 10/25/04
CLEARWATER - A Clearwater woman is accused of stealing her neighbor's political signs.
Homeowner Michael Pinson set up a hidden camera to catch the culprit after several of his Bush and Cheney election signs disappeared from his yard. Sunday afternoon the camera caught his neighbor taking a sign and then tearing it up.
ABC Action News confronted the woman in the video who said that the snatched signs had nothing to do with politics.
"I am trying to help him alleviate a $50 a day fine which is what they charge you in this homeowners association," explained Nancy Rapp.
Pinson has filed a complaint with police claiming his neighbor is trying to stifle his freedom of speech

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