Sunday, October 24, 2004

Condo resident fined over U.S. Marines flag - 10/22/04
Do you think the folks on this condo board are proud of themselves, now that they have taken steps to remove the USMC flag from their development?

MACOMB TOWNSHIP - John O'Brien figures he's already sacrificed for his country. All he wants is a little respect in return.

The disabled U.S. Marine Corps veteran is fighting his homeowners association for the right to fly the red Marine flag along with the American flag on the garage of his Macomb Township condominium.

The rules at Windmere Commons I condos allow only American flags, which O'Brien says violates his First Amendment rights.

O'Brien, 63, says he won't take down the flag he's been flying since July or pay the $25 fine levied by the homeowners association. He's taking his case to a state representative for help.

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