Sunday, May 09, 2004

Montreal Gazette - $7 billion Canadian tax dollars at work
A routine safety test at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau airport went monumentally wrong after an airport employee placed explosives in a passenger's luggage, but failed to remove them before he left the airport. In an effort to test sniffer dogs at the airport Friday, an employees slipped TNT, hidden in a jar of jam, into a passenger's luggage, instead of other baggage normally used during tests. Before the package could be removed, the passenger, who arrived on an international flight, picked up his luggage, passed through customs and security checks, and left. It was only when he arrived at a friend's house in Magog that he discovered the package, labelled "dynamite," and called police, who contacted the bomb squad...Since the World Trade Centre attacks, the federal government has spent more than $7 billion to upgrade national security.

And Inspector Clouseau "couldn't explain" how this happened. Mais non. Je ne sais pas.

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