Friday, May 07, 2004

Government Arrogance in Action: "Alderman defends having police watch her home"
Your tax dollars at work: here in Chicago government officials can get private security at public expense, courtesy of the Chicago Police Department. After a couple of burglaries, the CPD is keeping a special eye on this alderman's home, including a cruiser and officer parked outside on weekends at a cost of $366 per day. The peons who complain, however, should just shut up, because, says Alderman Marie Antionette...oops, I mean Arenda Troutman, ""Deserve it? Damn right," she said. "I should receive the protection I am receiving. I am an elected official. You're darn right." Sure, of course, Alderman Troutman. Elected officials first, ordinary people can eat cake. Welcome to Chicago.

And you know what will happen now that this has been publicized? Exactly nothing.

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