Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Voters in Inglewood Turn Away Wal-Mart
"A bid by the world's largest corporation to bypass uncooperative elected officials and take its aggressive expansion plans to voters failed Tuesday, as Inglewood residents overwhelmingly rejected Wal-Mart's proposal to build a colossal retail and grocery center without an environmental review or public hearings. "
So there won't be a Walmartville after all. But note this comment from a local lawmaker: "They want to be the big gorilla and not even offer one banana," Assemblyman Jerome Horton (D-Inglewood) said Tuesday. "Clearly, this is a test site for Wal-Mart to determine if they can go from city to city to city, preempting state law and local building and safety codes…. I think everyone should prepare for a full frontal attack from Wal-Mart." That is an interesting prospect. Wal-Mart could go voter shopping until they find 40 places where the population is willing to give them the extremely one-sided arrangement they want--one no public official would ever agree to, but maybe some voters somewhere will. They could probably stretch the opposition pretty thin if they hit four or five towns at once...

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