Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Are the lights out? OK, the meeting is called to order...
Fred Pilot passes along a message that somebody sent to a newsgroup about a unique approach to parliamentary procedure that goes on in their HOA:
Sez Fred: "Memo to HOA directors: If the HOA is going broke and you don't want the bad news to get out and wreck your property values, hold board meetings in unlit rooms.: [anonymous post to newsgroup follows:]
'They have not announced it publicly, as they don't announce anything
publicly (except assessments and monthly fee increases). All secret and
hush-hush!! In fact they frequently hold secret meetings, (with the lights out) in the Rec room so that Homeowners won't know that they have been meeting. (all illegal of course).'
How come my department heads over the years never thought of this? We've been holding meetings with the lights on! Wow. A Homer Simpson moment.

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