Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Request for comments on CAI Bill of Rights
In February I will be speaking at the annual Community Association Law Seminar sponsored by the Community Associations Institute. I'll be at a panel discussion on "Is 'Rights and Responsibilities for Better Communities' the Answer to HOA Critics?" That is a reference to a document that you can view on line at the CAI website, here. The other panelists will be attorneys Molly Foley-Healey (primary author of "Rights and Responsibilities") and Dave Ramsey, and property manager Sandra Denton.
I would appreciate receiving any intelligent, reasoned opinion on the subject from interested observers. Note "intelligent, reasoned." That means, please, no venomous screeds, conspiracy diatribes, or calls for the abolition of common interest housing. This is a panel about whether or not the CAI "Rights and Responsibilities" document will satisfy HOA critics. If yes, then why? If no, then why not? I don't promise to answer all the e-mails I get on this, although I'll try to acknowledge them all. But I am genuinely interested in taking in whatever you all have to say. The deadline for submission of my paper to CAI is Monday, November 3, so keep that in mind. Thanks for your help.

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