Saturday, October 11, 2003

Go Cubs!
Condolences to Floridians, who have to deal with all the issues of common interest housing as well as the Floundering Fish. As I write it is 7-0 Cubs in Game 4. Matt Clement, he of the cow-pie-on-the-chin, Amish-farmer-on-the-mound look, is inexplicably winning the game. Until tonight I considered him a curse on the Cubs, some sort of albatross, or perhaps albacore, who was sent to torment the team that has been sentenced to permanent ignomnity for not letting a guy bring his goat into the stadium in 1947, or some such rot. But here's a guy with a goat beard winning a game that any rational human would think he was going to lose. It could change at any minute, but so far it is a strange and terrible thing to behold. As a Chicagoan I can do nothing but chortle with glee as The Man With the Strange Thing on His Face inches toward a victory.
Go figure.

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