Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Kansas abandons massive tax cuts that provided model for Trump's plan | US news | The Guardian

Kansas abandons massive tax cuts that provided model for Trump's plan | US news | The Guardian:

"Kansas has rejected the years-long tax-cutting experiment that brought its governor, Sam Brownback, to international attention and provided a model for the Trump administration’s troubled tax plans.

In a warning shot to the Trump administration, even Brownback’s fellow Republicans voted to override his veto of a bill to reverse many of the tax cuts he championed as a way to spur entrepreneurs and the economy, but which have left the state with a $1bn hole in its budget."


Brownback got his advice from Arthur Laffer, who inflicted this nonsense on the nation when the people around Reagan bought "supply side economics" and the loony notion that if government cuts tax rates, they can collect more tax revenue. Reagan gave us gigantic budget deficts, then Bush did the same, Brownback cratered his state, and now of course Trump and his cronies invoking this voodoo to justify giving huge tax breaks to their super-rich buddies.

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