Monday, May 01, 2017

Condominium property act revamp could give owners needed support - Loop North News

Condominium property act revamp could give owners needed support - Loop North News: "Condominium owners and families residing in homeowner associations who are battling disputes and struggling for financial clarity received a major shot of support from the Illinois Legislature with the recent passage of two important bills."

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1 comment:

  1. Imagine that CAI opposes bills that provide owners access to records and enable homeowners to get attorney fees when the homeowner prevails against the management company, condo corporation, or board members. Now if the legislature would also proffer legislation that prohibits management companies from being able to contract to have the condo corporation indemnify the management company from any judgment against the management company in litigation with the involuntary members of the condo corporation then you might start being able to rein in the management companies.
