Thursday, March 09, 2017

America's infrastructure still rates no better than D+, engineering experts say | US news | The Guardian

America's infrastructure still rates no better than D+, engineering experts say | US news | The Guardian: "America is literally falling apart. The most authoritative report of the nation’s infrastructure gave the country’s crumbling roads, bridges, dams, schools and other essential underpinnings a D+ grade on Thursday. Not a single element of America’s framework received an A grade. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ quadrennial infrastructure “report card” painted a grim picture of the US’s backbone. According to the organization’s analysis, there hasn’t been much improvement in the state of America’s transportation, water, energy, education and waste management programs since the last report was released, in 2013...The report comes after Donald Trump pledged to rebuild America’s broken infrastructure on the campaign trail, plans that appear to have stalled amid a backlash against government spending. It also comes after a series of disasters, including lead in the water of Flint, Michigan, and other municipalities, and the evacuation of 20,000 in California after the near-collapse of a major dam."


We are drowning in fake crises that politicians use to generate fear so they can control people. Here's a real crisis, and one that only government can solve. Trump talks about it, but has no proposal that will work. Shoveling more tax credits to big business is not going to lead them to suddenly start paying for rebuilding bridges and constructing high-speed rail.

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