Saturday, May 07, 2016

The GOP's 24-hour meltdown - POLITICO

The GOP's 24-hour meltdown - POLITICO

The right wing thought that, at long last, this was going to be the year a virtuous "true conservative" made up for Goldwater's obliteration in 1964. Half a dozen of the candidates would have made them happy. Then all of them got personally humiliated and driven from the race by an unprincipled, narcissistic, quasi-fascist bully. The final blow: they are now expected to support him. No wonder they are...unhappy.

It will be interesting to see how far the American Mussolini's cult of personality can take him. His followers are so swept away by his empty promises to make everything "great," with "so much winning," that they have lost all capacity for critical thought.

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