Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hidden Harbor Homeowner's Association President indicted | WTVC

Hidden Harbor Homeowner's Association President indicted | WTVC: "Detectives investigated an allegation that Markee, who was the President of the Hidden Harbor Home Owner's Association, had embezzled monies from the association. Detectives presented their findings to the Hamilton County Grand Jury who returned the indictment."


As I keep saying, there needs to be more visibility and more oversight of condo and HOA financial activities.

1 comment:

  1. Notice that Tom Skiba didn't comment on this one.
    Is this why homeowners are supposed to pay assessments - so they can be pocketed by board members, managers, HOA attorneys, etc.?

    Curiously CAI members have actively opposed open meetings and open records whenever the issue was before the legislature. It would seem this trade group prefers practices that assist embezzlers and thieves to avoid being caught.
