Friday, January 01, 2016

Harbours Condominium lawsuit finds no wrongdoing - News and Tribune: News

Harbours Condominium lawsuit finds no wrongdoing - News and Tribune: News

Well, that's one way to put it, but there seems to have been another outcome:

"Although the state office wasn't able to find fraud or serious wrongdoing, Attorney General Greg Zoeller said changes to Indiana law that the case inspired were the most important result. 'When we first started, we didn't have the authority to review the finances of the homeowners association,' Zoeller said.

The statute that gave the attorney general the authority to investigate and take action on nonprofit organizations excluded homeowners associations. In 2011, the Indiana Legislature granted Zoeller that authority, largely because of the Harbours case, a news release states. That law was expanded in 2015 to give members of homeowners associations better access to financial information."

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