Thursday, June 04, 2015

VT woman builds 60-foot by 24-foot 'screen' to block view of neighbor's home | Local News - WPTZ Home

VT woman builds 60-foot by 24-foot 'screen' to block view of neighbor's home | Local News - WPTZ Home

This is a new one: fabric privacy screens for homes. It's only a matter of time before they come to Privatopia and join flagpoles, flags, swingsets, clothelines and treehouses as the latest battlefront between the HOA commissars and inmates.

1 comment:

  1. This item has no relationship to Common Interest Communities. It is a dispute between a municipality and a resident citizen of that entity. Why post it here? The key is the statement containing the terms "commissars" and "inmates". This is intended to engender distrust, dislike, even hatred of Common Interest Communities and to promote the sales of books. Relating it to these communities by no-so-veiled inference is dishonest at the very least There are enough examples of real difficulties between members (not inmates) an governing boards of directors (not commissars) without resorting to such disingenuous behavior.
