Monday, March 09, 2015

Nevada justice warned HOA conspirators of police raids, witness says | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Nevada justice warned HOA conspirators of police raids, witness says | Las Vegas Review-Journal: A witness in the trial of four defendants charged in the massive scheme to take over and defraud homeowners associations testified Monday that she was told a Nevada Supreme Court justice tipped off the late attorney Nancy Quon to the FBI investigation.

Deborah Genato, who pleaded guilty in the scheme, testified she learned that Quon was alerted beforehand to FBI-led raids across the valley in September 2008. Quon’s law office was among the many sites agents searched.

Genato said her boss, Lisa Kim, who ran a company that managed several HOAs linked to the multimillion-dollar scheme, told her about the tip. Kim, who also pleaded guilty, is on the government’s witness list, but has not been called to testify for prosecutors, who plan to wrap up their case as early as Tuesday.

Four remaining defendants, including longtime attorney Keith Gregory, are standing trial on conspiracy and fraud charges in the courtroom of U.S. District Judge James Mahan.

This years-long tawdry tale of corruption in Privatopia, Nevada sector, is worthy of a House of Cards-like series.

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