Thursday, January 01, 2015

Whitefish Subdivision Seeks Intervention in Lawsuit Over Gated Communities - Flathead Beacon

Whitefish Subdivision Seeks Intervention in Lawsuit Over Gated Communities - Flathead Beacon: “Notably, gates have been generally disfavored and disallowed by the City Council in a number of other neighborhoods as antithetical to the type of community in which the majority of Whitefish residents would like to live,” according to the lawsuit. “To that end, on Oct. 6, the City passed Resolution 14-48 which prohibits any subdivision or residential neighborhood from gating its streets so as to prohibit public access.”

Grouse Mountain Homeowners Inc. wishes to intervene in the lawsuit to “oppose Grouse Mountain Estates proposed installation of gates, enforce and defend its contractual rights, and to otherwise protect its residents’ rights to unimpeded and unobstructed use of Mountainside Drive.”


More pushback against Fortress Privatopia.

1 comment:

  1. One HOA corp against another HOA corp - sounds like a win-win for the community corporation industry.
