Friday, January 16, 2015

Myrtle Beach-area representatives file HOA bill to address issues and concerns Read more here:
"State reps. Nelson Hardwick, Mike Ryhal and others have filed a wide-ranging HOA bill that would address many of the concerns residents have about homeowners associations. The bill would — among other things — limit the time developers could keep absolute control over subdivisions they build; set magistrates court as the venue where homeowner/association disputes can be addressed; require that association and board member names and contact information be registered with the S.C. Real Estate Commission; and provide for open meetings and records."
There are other bill as well, including proposals for mandatory training of HOA board members, regulation of imposing fines on owners, and making HOAs subject to sunshine laws that apply to local governments.  State-level process regulations like these are the typical response of state legislatures to all the complaints they get  from owners.  But, as I've been pointing out for almost ten years, there is no willingness to  get into the structural  issues, such as the municipal mandates requiring developers to create CIDs.

Read more here:

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. Why does all new development and redevelopment have to establish a CID with a HOA? The corporate model of governance flies in the face of Consitutional principles.
