Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Tempers Flare at Annexation Open House - The Missourian: Washington

Tempers Flare at Annexation Open House - The Missourian: Washington:

"A meeting Wednesday between Meadowlake Farm subdivision residents and city staff to discuss annexation became contentious.
Accusations of lying and intimidation were thrown around and one meeting attendee walked out before City Administrator Jim Briggs finished answering a question...Things got heated nearly 10 minutes into the meeting when Meadowlake resident Dale Volmert called Briggs a “lying son of a buck.” 
The comment came after Briggs said some Meadowlake residents 20 years ago requested annexation. Briggs said a mention of a petition appeared in a historical article recently in The Missourian."


Local disputes over annexation can be intense.

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