Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security | Mother Jones

Income Inequality Has Spurred a Boom in Private Security | Mother Jones:

"Perhaps this is our dystopian, Piketty-esque future: a small class of ultra-wealthy rentiers; a breakdown of public safety because the rich employ their own private security forces and don't feel like funding anything further; a retainer class of managerial drones; and then everyone else—sullen and resentful, but kept in line by the hard men in dark glasses toting automatic weapons and driving armored limos.

Actually, probably not. Eventually robots will provide better security services than fragile human beings, so the security forces will be out of jobs too."


Actually, a lot of the private security features in CIDs are automated, such as card key gates and video cameras that are being sort-of semi-watched by some guy a hundred miles away with a hundred TV screens all around him. And a box of doughnuts.

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