Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Downtown L.A. is now driest since rain records started in 1877 - LA Times

Downtown L.A. is now driest since rain records started in 1877 - LA Times:

'Rainy seasons over the last two years were the driest in downtown Los Angeles since record-keeping began in 1877, and forecasters now say the El Nino that had been predicted to bring some relief may not materialize. According to the National Weather Service, the 2012 to 2014 rainy seasons -- which are measured every July 1 to June 30 -- only brought 11.93 inches of rainfall, which is 17.93 inches below normal.'

Global warming is causing extreme weather patterns that could make life in many US cities quite a challenge.  Las Vegas and Phoenix come to mind, but here we see Los Angeles experiencing the effects of severe drought. Contrary to what the article says,  NOOA is still predicting El Nino, with a likelihood of 70% in the summer and 80% in the fall, although they say it will be "weak to moderate," so there may be at least some increased rainfall in California.  But the main lesson here, which everybody involved insists on learning the hard way, is that cities and real estate developers will have to get more realistic about water availability as a pivotal issue in all new residential development.  On the demand side, so will all these snowbirds who think the arid southwest is retirement Eden.  Sorry, folks. The golf courses and outdoor fountains will have to be sacrificed at some point, or eventually people will be drinking their own pee like Bear Grylls.

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