Thursday, June 19, 2014

Water Privatization: Coming to a Century Old System Near You?

Water Privatization: Coming to a Century Old System Near You?

From law professor Ellen Dannin--the privatization industry has plenty of clout in Washington these days.  We have crumbling infrastructure, governments that are unable either to raise taxes or issue bonds, and vast oceans of private capital.  
"The good news is that our more than a century old, dangerously deteriorating water and wastewater systems are about to get long overdue attention. Not only did Congress give the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA) a landslide vote - House (412-4) and Senate (91-7) - but on June 10, President Obama signed onWRRDA is bringing joy to the financial industry, construction unions, environmentalists, legislators, the transportation industry and almost anyone or thing connected with water. The only thing that seems to be missing is holding hands and singing "Kumbaya." But, while WRRDA has many long-needed features, the reality is that some parts of the law are seriously problematic."

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