Thursday, June 19, 2014

Longwood HOA enacts strict anti-bear bylaws | Seminole County

Longwood HOA enacts strict anti-bear bylaws | Seminole County:

After a bear attack, an HOA responded:

"Wingfield North’s new policy states residents can be fined if they don’t use bear resistant trash cans, and if they don’t secure human food sources around their home, like grills and dog food. If residents don’t comply, they can be fined after an initial warning, up to $1,000. The policy also lays out numerous guidelines that it strongly suggests residents adhere to, but they can’t be fined if they don’t comply with those suggestions. But Kaleita says HOA’s in other communities he’s been in contact with are still hesitant to enact bylaws that allow fines for residents that don’t comply."

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